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Inspiration & Recommendations

Here you can find recommended books, articles that Ward's written and inspiration for workshops and other therapists he works with and would recommend. This page will be updated regularly.

Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology

Recommended Reading & Watching

Windows to the Womb - David Chamberlain

Spirit Babies - Walter Makichen

Spirit into Form - Cherionna Menzam-Sills

Womb Twin survivors - Althea Hayton

Drama in the Womb - Bettina and Alfred Austerman

Interview with Anna Verwaal​

In Utero - Dcumentary 

Birth as We Know It - Documentary


Womb Surround Process Workshops (online) - Cherionna Menzam-Sills​

Healing Your Origins (live Belgium) - Andrea Wandel

The Embryo in Us - Jaap Van Der Wal 

Note on my website adres name Illumendis

Illumendis is a name for myself that came to me/that I remembered. Funny enough it actually came to me as I was playing a video came. I made a character that was an Elven Druid Healer and had to come up with a name. I still remember the moment, as Illumendis just popped into my mind seemingly out of nowhere, but I just felt how correct it was.

Later in my life I also remembered that this was the name I had in whatever realm I was before I incarnated into this physical existence. Connected also to my twin brother called Monadir. There's an aspect of sun and moon in those two names, two end of the same coin. Monadir incarnated with me, but left again very soon (which was planned that way), which led to me losing a twin in the womb. Although I have experienced much grief around that and sometimes difficulty in letting people and situations go easily if they do not resonate with me anymore, Monadir is still a guide and aid in my life's journey on this planet.  And silently assists me in therapy sessions, in healings, pops information into my mind, and so on.


But the main reason I use it here, lies in what it represents to me, namely a contraction of 'to mend' and 'to illuminate'. So Illumendis is 'one who heals by means of illumination', which is exactly what I set out to do in this life as a druid, therapist and healer. That is why I chose to incorporate it into this website.

Lightbody Evolution
Carbon to Silicon based Bodies
Articles written by Ward

Coming Soon!

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