Holistic Vision
Ward Vandenberghe
Individual Sessions
Holistic therapy sessions for individuals, combining body-oriented (trauma)therapy, psychodynamic therapy, energetic and other forms of therapy, depending on your specific request for help and your needs.
For Whom?
Do you want to:
Gain insight into the origins of limiting patterns in your life, and learn to let them go?
explore/research and heal recurring mood-swings, persistent mourning, burn-out, etc?
heal old trauma imprints, (including birth and pre-birth imprints like twin loss, difficult/assisted births, etc.)?
live in your body as much as you live in your mind?
explore medically unexplained or chronic physical symptoms from a psychological and spiritual point of view? (on the condition that you are also seeing a medical doctor)
become more adept at living with high-sensitivity and intuitive gifts?
​help in dealing with positive and/or negative experiences with energies and beings in the subtle realms?
learn to feel and express your boundaries more?
feel more self-love and self-confidence?
feel and experience more joy and energy in your life?
More than just talking?
Then holistic life therapy will be a good match for you.​​
Offcourse, often your complaints will be much more vague and you may not know exactly what they are related to. So, you're also welcome if you are dealing with:
stress, feeling like you're not connected to your body or the physical world, unrest, feelings of emptiness, feeling stuck, unbridled or rather stuck anger/sadness/other feelings
feeling like you're not in control of your life, internal and/or external sabotage, feeling alone (even when you're with people), recurring dreams and/or nightmares,
a recurring pattern in relationships (like the fear of being abandoned, or rather the fear of binding yourself), issues around sexuality, and so on.
Whatever your request for help may be, I'd like it to be clear that I will invite you to look at your complaints and symptoms with soft eyes. It really doesn't serve you to fight any part of yourself, so I won't be fighting any part of you either. More on that further on.
Holistic Life Therapy
The therapy I offer is based in the experience that we are all divine beings on a path to rediscover our own divinity. It is oriented to the intelligence inherent in your symptoms and complaints. As such I will not seek to change you, as this inherent intelligence in your being already knows how change and healing can best come about. What I will do is help you acces this intelligence as well as the broader intelligence inherent in all life (whether we call that God(ess)/Source/the Universe, or as I like: The Great Spirit), and at times act as a channel for it to work through. As far as I'm concerned, you can be naught but good as you are, in all your uniqueness and including your symptoms.
What we will explore together is how your symptoms and complaints are signposts of your soul showing you where you are unconsciously holding yourself back, i.e. are not living in tune with yourself/not living the life you want. And how you are trying to protect yourself from the pain of that discrepancy. We'll make those patterns of holding back as transparant as possible in your mind, emotions, body, energy and imagination. And we'll start understanding why they came about in the first place, even loving them. That way, change can happen naturally and spontaneously in accordance with who you truly are and of its own accord. To facilitate that, we can use various forms of therapy, ranging from body-oriented (core energetic) therapy to psychodynamic analysis/talking therapy and energetic forms of therapy. I also tend to spend special attention to prenatal & birth imprints in all my clients, where appropriate.
Therapy is like an oyster in the proces of making a pearl. It starts with a grain of sand that irritates it (like a symptom or complaint). However, the oyster doesn't try to get rid of the grain, instead it slowly starts to envelop it with 'nacre' or 'mother-of-pearl', i.e. the substance that makes up the inside of the oyster. Just like we can also lovingly look at our own symptoms from many different angles and with various perspectives. Eventually the oyster makes the grain of sand a part of itself. Likewise, you'll find out that the symptom or complaint you have has been a part of yourself all along. And like the grain of sand you will have gone through a transformation, no longer recognizable, but more beautiful than anyone could have imagined before. And like you and any part of you, every single pearl is unique. I consider it my privilege to guide you through the depths as you dive for your pearl in its oyster. Realizing eventually, that the grain of sand was never something 'other' than you in the first place.
Three Core Principles That I Value in Therapy
Frequency & Duration
The duration of therapy is dependent on the complexity of your question and personal intention(s). We will discuss this during the intake session and we will keep evaluating it throughout the duration of therapy. I've noticed that most people plan a session on average every three weeks. After that often monthly as their proces progresses over time and less sessions are needed/wanted. Of course this will also depend on your intentions and what you want/like yourself.
Energetic healing and soul-retrieval sessions are a little different. Often people have multiple such sessions over time, but the gaps between the sessions are usually much bigger, spanning months. However, there too frequency is open for discussion and subject to your intention and wishes.