Holistic Vision
Ward Vandenberghe
Ward is 29 years old and has spent the last decennium exploring what it means to heal himself and help others heal. That exploration took him into studying clinical psychology, training in energetic healing, body-oriented (trauma)therapy, working with the nervous systems and with the imprints of life before and around our birth. It also took him into an exploration of the multidimensional and mystical aspects of life. Connecting himself back to Soul and Source.
Many therapists, mentors, teachers, colleagues and friends helped and guided Ward in this research throughout these years. Their perspectives and the lenses of for instance quantum physics taught him to perceive himself and the world with different eyes. Not as a mechanic place without any meaning, propelled by a ‘survival of the fittest’. Rather as a living, divinely organized, magical place where ‘survival/life based on cooperation’ is the propelling force of evolution. Just like our body consists of trillions of cells, we are each also making up the cells of one single body that is this Earth (and beyond). We’re all unique, but at the same time connected as one. No one of us is truly alone or separated in this life.
Facing his own wounds (mostly of dissociation and symbiosis,…) led him to experience that unity and love himself more. And to remember himself as a Soul, beyond his personal identity incarnated in this physical life. Therefore Ward's focus as a therapist is on how we are all unique and how the light of our soul can fully express itself in the world. That also means facing the distortions of our selves, that have come about through the processes of socialization and other wounding. Therapy is never a process based (soly) on willpower. It is a process of giving up the fight with ourselves and returning into a deep alignment with our core, with the rhythms of our Soul.​
Ward is a cosmic traveler and a boundless explorer. He has traveled many worlds and dimensions. Essentially he is a sorcerer and has a shapeshifting nature, i.e. the unique ability to attune and feel into all types of energies in the multiverse. Ward has a soft and kind heart which is deeply connected to the Druidic lineage of the ancient Celts here in the West. This is one of many ancient fields that has suffered persecution and near but vanished on the Earth. It is one of his callings to aid in the reemergence of the Celtic lineages. Among other things, he’s studying druidic mystery teachings and is learning Manx, one of the remaining Celtic languages.
One of Ward's greatest gifts is his ability to receive inner images. Through these images and associated feelings he can witness another’s Book of Life/Akashic Records. In his presence, one can feel the vastness of their own soul. He is deeply connected to the Christ consciousness grid, Mantis beings, Elves, Elementals, Melchizedek, Babaji and many other masters.
Ward is a bridge between the old world and the new. He is a psychologist, but also a healer, a druid and a friend.
​And he bids you welcome if you feel called to connect with​ him.
Formal Training
Our Journey Here - Cherionna Menzam-Sills (in training 2024-2025), training dedicated to working with/healing pre-and perinatal imprints
Life Therapy - School of Life (2024), five year therapy training focused on body-oriented (trauma) therapy and energetic healing, as well as applied spirituality
Clinical Psychology - University of Gent (2017)
Other Relevant Training
Multidimensional Work with Groups - J. Van Wijgerden (2023)
Foundation Training Human Design - IHDS (2023)
The Embryo in Us - Jaap Van Der Wal (2022)
Basic Medical Knowledge - Con Amore (2021)